This is what some of our clients are saying about our Synergy3 programs:
I found the value of this SlimPossible program and these coaches immeasurable. I lost weight and inches but far beyond that I have learned new GOOD habits that will stay with me long after this program. I have learned to drink more water, eat healthier, walk more, meditate and be kinder to myself. They reminded me that I am a priority in my own life and I take better overall care of myself so I can take better care of those I love. Thank you!! ~ Jennifer M
Great program that has me coming back for more!! Lost a total of 11 Pounds and walk over 12,000 every day ! Yes -I’m excited for the new easy recipes -and to continue to break my addiction to sugar /carbs ! Big thanks to Daryl, Stacey & Lucy! What an awesome team of coaches ! ~LucyAnn D
I just completed the Power Immune Boost and would highly recommend it. There were so many things make it great. First, I found having the support of a community to help me feel accountable for eating healthier and cleaner a tremendous help. I also enjoyed the daily posts that kept me engaged. The three leaders are each very passionate about the mission of the program and are very motivated to help each person achieve their unique goals. What I liked most about the program is that it is not punitive in any way. For example, I wanted to continue to have half and half in my coffee each morning, and the leaders were very supportive. It is more about expanding ideas for cleaner eating, than taking things away. I enjoyed the recipe ideas and the extensive lists of foods that are suggested to have in my kitchen. I am happy to say, I lost 4 pounds during the program and am motivated to keep it going. Thanks again to Stacy, Daryl and Lucy! ~Randi S
You ladies are awesome at what you do ❤️. I appreciate all the time, effort and energy given from you to us to help us achieve some sanity and healthy living. ~Gina F
I’m just finishing up the Synergy cleanse and it has been great! I am happy to find that bloating and reflux are gone and my joint pain is much reduced. Mentally feeling clearer too. I’m not any more energetic in the mornings than I was before but I’m not as tired throughout the day. And my cravings are much more under control. Unlike other times when I’ve tried cleanses, I’m feeling more of a pull toward permanent change. I really liked the all-encompassing nature of this cleanse. It isn’t just about food, but includes suggestions for mindfulness, deep breathing, detox baths, sleep, exercise, and more. ~Heidi C.
I thought I knew something about healthy food, but I learned an amazing amount about the pure/organic foods out there, combining ingredients to be healthier and even learned about my skin, nails and hair. The support community is excellent and I continue to use many of the recipes. Bone broth and mineral broth are stocked in my freezer at all times! Thank you Synergy 3 team for fielding all of my questions and encouraging me the entire time. ~Nancy K.
I am very grateful to the three leaders of this cleanse. Daryl, Lucy, Stacy, you were all so very helpful. This was so very educational and I appreciate all your hard work that goes into what you do. To everyone else, thanks for all your posts. I enjoyed being part of this group and learned a lot from all of you. ~Betty R.
Just wanted to mention that a wonderful unexpected side effect of this Synergy3 Cleanse has been how my husband has picked up on some of the practices…no green smoothies for him yet, BUT he is consciously eating more salads and reduced red meats (he has lots of business dinners and now proudly tells me what fish and veg he ate, not steak!!)…when we eat out he does not eat the bread, and leaves the mashed potatoes on his plate, really working on portion control, which I think is much harder for men! Who’d a thought??!! He has noticed that the puffiness under my eyes is much less, and that I lost 3lbs without even trying, so he has really bought into this process, too, in his own way…these are life changes that I plan to hold on to, and hopefully will continue to rub off on him, as well!! Thank you, Daryl, Lucy and Stacy from me AND my hubby :)). ~Pam S.
Just wanted to share some information on my most recent cleanse with Synergy3. This was my third time cleansing. Wasn’t going to do it because I was thinking it wouldn’t have much effect. But some friends joined who saw my previous results and my eating got a little out of control so I opted in. Round 3 was just as beneficial to me as rounds 1 and 2. I discover something new about myself each time. Over time, in all, I have lost 10 pounds (over probably a year), my skin has vastly improved, I am no longer bloated, I’ve identified some food sensitivities, my digestion and belly issues are gone, I am more self aware of what I am putting into my body, I cook more, eat less and feel more alert. Everyone should do this cleanse if for no other reason than to educate themselves on the food they eat and the chemicals that are in everything around us! Can’t recommend this enough!!! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. ~Heather T.
This cleanse is great. I have been traveling and still was able to lose 11 lbs so far! I even had my birthday right in the middle of the cleanse and traveling!! I have notice my swelling/bloating whatever it is has gone down, No sugar cravings, and I have been introduced to foods I would normally not eat and have liked them! I have had to fight with too much acidity so I went to less lemon in the morning and I found out no vinaigrette for me! Things I just didn’t know before. Thank you for helping me change my relationship with food. ~Cathy L.
Can’t believe it has been 14 days! Loved it and have learned so much about about me and food. I’m conscious of sugar and willingly make better choices. Can’t believe the meals are so delicious! I’ve learned that my green smoothies for breakfast keep me fuller for longer than porridge. I’ve definitely learned that perhaps whey protein while tasty does NOT make me feel good at all. Most of all I’ve loved being on here with you and felt very supported through what were at times challenging times. ~Suparna Malholtra, London.
I just now weighed myself since cleansing in January and I have lost 10 lbs!! This cleanse has literally changed my life and habits for the better. I cannot express how thankful I am to the Synergy3 ladies for opening my eyes to proper nutrition. To list every benefit: clear skin (something I’ve battled with my entire adult life), improved digestion, thicker hair (my hairdresser noted that), rashes on my back gone, off all of my medication (for skin and stomach problems), no more heartburn. Pretty convincing stuff of you ask me! ~Heather T.
Wanted to share some good news! I have been doing a pretty good job maintaining the cleanse diet with some additions here and there. I went for my annual physical and I have lost a total of 10 pounds. Better yet, my LDL (bad cholesterol) is down 25 points and my total cholesterol is down 50 points. I am amazed! I’m back on the cleanse on April 20th to reinforce these life changes. ~LJM
I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and was told by my doctor to lose weight or risk becoming diabetic because the liver will become compromised. Soooo, instead of saying “I’m going to lose weight” as my New Year’s resolution, I decided it would be “I’m going to eat and live a healthier life”. After completing the Synergy cleanse, the sugar cravings that I used to get EVERY day and late at night have gone away!!! What a struggle that was for me! I love to cook but was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to change old habits, but the opposite happened! I thought I would be overwhelmed but my transition has been slow and steady. I have seen the difference in my energy, clearer mind, bloated feeling has diminished. The plan is easy to follow, the recipes are delicious and the continued support of the cleanse coaches and fellow cleansers with their suggestions, ideas, advice, experience, etc has made it a wonderful experience and it has been extremely helpful for me. There is ALWAYS encouragement and NEVER any judgment! ~Gina F.
I was really nervous about doing the 14 day cleanse because I am not a cook and it seemed daunting to make all those meals. Now, after more than 20 days of healthy eating, I am so glad I put in the time to shop, cook, and prepare everything I did. My almost constant cravings for sugar and white flour have diminished and I have given up caffeine which I had wanted to do. What got me through was the informative teleconferences, the daily support on Facebook, and the fact that by week two I felt lighter, less moody, and just more aware of how food affects my body. Now, I feel committed to eating better as a way of life. Thank you Daryl, Stacy, and Lucy. ~Persephone Zill
The Synergy3 Cleanse is the easiest, hard thing I’ve ever done! It has dramatically changed the way I eat forever. I finally understand how to make delicious tasting meals, snacks and treats. For the first time in my life I was in control, never hungry, no cravings and my chronic fatigue disappeared. I ultimately realized that my body was getting all the nutrients it needed, so it was never looking for more. As a woman who loves to cook, this was truly the one of the easiest and best things I have ever done…and my husband and kids reap the benefits as well! ~Kathy Argyros, Exceller Marketing Owner and Chief Consultant. http://excellermarketing.com/
I’ll admit that I was skeptical about the results and concerned that I didn’t have enough discipline to follow the cleanse guidelines. But I really think I’m feeling different (for the better) already. I’m not kidding when I say that I couldn’t have done it without YOU. Knowing that you were supervising this effort kept me honest, because I knew you’d be checking in 🙂 & your suggestions and encouragement helped us overcome potential pitfalls. Thanks again. ~Kim H
I never imagined in a million years that I could do something like this. I feel fabulous and have a renewed sense of self and purpose. And the unexpected bonus – I lost 10 lbs.! I am really looking forward to integrating what I’ve learned into my daily life, and continuing on this positive road. Thanks to all of you for sharing this experience! ~Chris P
Loved the Spring cleanse, can’t wait to do it again. I ate real food and lost 8 pounds and felt great. As a super busy Mom, it made me stop and think about what I was putting in my body and it gave me the opportunity to do something good for myself for a change. The support is wonderful from working moms just like most of us. This is doable, give it a try! ~Donna M
For the last couple of months, I have been suffering with constant discomfort after every meal. I met with Daryl and she advised trying a food cleanse. After two weeks on the cleanse, I felt amazing. My energy levels increased and I no longer had symptoms of bloating or cramping. Since the cleanse, I’ve learned what foods to avoid and have chosen to keep the food cleanse guidelines as my permanent diet. I couldn’t believe how processed foods affected my digestion and my overall well being. Daryl maintains an open communication with all of her clients and makes a personal commitment to make sure you obtain your nutritional and health goals. ~Lesley Benveniste, Physical Therapist at Sportscare, NY
I loved the cleanse! It was the perfect way to kick-start some lifestyle changes. We’re eating very differently now– with much more awareness. And it’s so much easier to do than I’d realized. While my husband didn’t participate in the cleanse, he was inspired by my experience and has since eliminated gluten and processed sugars from his diet. He’s lost 30 pounds. ~Jenn M
As a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor, I know it is very important to eat healthily along with an exercise program. The cleanse was a great experience, just what I needed and something I can now recommend to my clients who are looking to improve their eating habits and change their body. ~Genoeffa Palumbo, Elemental Fitness
After following your cleanse diet for two weeks, I feel 100% better — I have more energy, my head is no longer foggy, and my mind is clearer. (All without caffeine!) Even more importantly, I am sleeping much more soundly. After the cleanse, I find that I’m eating much better and with much more variety and fresh produce; I even look forward to scouring the market for new fresh vegetables to try. The recipes you included were yummy — I can’t wait to try more of them. And the tips and hints you provided during the cleanse really helped me make it through (though it wasn’t hard once I got the hang of it.) I really can’t thank you enough, and will recommend the cleanse to my friends who need a boost. ~Judy O.
This cleanse has given me so much. I’m more physically and emotionally satisfied. I have gotten rid of the GRAB SOMETHING SWEET NOW feeling and I have more of a thought process going on. When I do have a sweet craving, I am making much better choices. ~Trudy Z.
I found the cleanse very easy to follow. The group calls and support from the counselors definitely helped me to be successful. This helped me to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle and also eliminated stomach discomfort that I was experiencing. I now have a daily smoothie habit because they are delicious. ~Jo H.
The cleanse has been wonderful! I’m down 8 pounds (positive benefit). I can’t believe that I haven’t had a cookie or Diet Coke craving. I’m feeling less bloated and more energetic. I’m surprised that I really like “Green” smoothies. I’m going to enjoy them even when the cleanse is done. I feeling more positive and energetic. ~Sue M.
This was the first time I had given up sugar and caffeine. I decided to try this as a challenge to myself. I found the cleanse really easy… especially since I had support from the group. The recipes provided and ideas for taking care of yourself really made this feel like some quality time that I could give to myself, instead of something I was missing (caffeine and sugar). I felt much more in control. I would recommend it. ~Jane H.
It recently occurred to me that my chronic sinus problems have magically gone away since doing the cleanse. An unexpected gift. ~Hillary D.
I feel like I have my own personal coaches AND cheerleaders. ~Betsy M.
Feeling no energy? Feeling over weight? Tired? Let me tell you something. I have experienced myself, as a Doctor, and with my patients that we are definitively what we eat. Everyday, we are exposed to an overwhelming amount of toxins. Toxins lodge in cells, tissues, and muscles and completely overwhelm the body. Today, almost every fetus (human and animal) is inundated with toxins. In fact, one study showed over 200 chemicals in umbilical cords that can cause cancer, brain damage, birth defects, and other serious illness. So, whether you feel great and just want to live a more vibrant life or are trying to heal a chronic condition, the first step is cleansing these toxins out of the body.
We are really out of control eating so many things that are damaging ourselves. We are killing ourselves for sure. Just give the Synergy Wellness Program a try and you will see how you feel better almost immediately! I can tell you for sure because I did it myself.
Cleansing is nature’s way of assisting the body to find balance. The simplest way to cleanse is to change your diet. Cleansing will not only create energy, but it also leads to healthier hair, skin, and nails, builds the immune system, increases your sense of well being, reduces your sugar cravings, digestive issues, and joint pain, enhances libido, regulates sleep, and slows the aging process.
Do you want to live longer? Do you want to feel better? Do you want to lose weight? You are not going to if you don’t cleanse your body inside first. Believe me; I did it and it made a great difference in my body. I am a surgeon and having that extra energy has helped to enhance the stamina I need for optimal performance. Thank you Lucy, Daryl and Stacy. Keep up the good work! ~Joanne Guastaferro MD